Maths Respond : 


See This Supernova, This Loop Is Eternal / For In Time & Space – This Saturn (Curve) Return’s = In A Eternal Chain (Thread Of Fate) = Ever Expanding Universe

= A Little Dust / Space + Time – Space

For In The SUN IS 2 SUNS = For The LAW Of = Expansion + / Gravity -

For There Is The Space Or The Ride & .... + ???? =

2 SUN’s = SssSHhhhH

Planet Terra-formation In Action


Universe Terra-formation Loop

Angle Respond : Know That’s A = +1

The Less WE Say On This Matter The Better


Dreams Respond :


This Space Is Particle / Quantum = See Expression

Beware Of The Forces Within This Space

Some Spaces Don’t Apply / Time Or Space

For Light & Night

Have Two Faces

[ A GATE ]

Hail Wise




















Don’t Look Into It You Can Die Or Be Consumed

Darkness (Not Evil)

Apophis / Saturn / Cronos / Kali


Dialogue :

Two Forces /

Debating Their Age Through / 

Genetics Or Technology


The Real ONE / WE Have A Tear In WE Eye = Eat Your Food

For Time & Space

The Ssspiders Web [2-1] To [1-2 -3] Rome Road

[(Watch This FALL TO 1) 2-1] Statesmanship [1-2-3 ....]

For Now Do You SEE WE



[{}Egypt] WE Respond Not The Oldest System


(The Real ONE [Roman Joke = Nero] = Who HAs The Better System / Other Side = SEE The Sleight Of HAnd ) 

[See This 0(See This Time Loop {See This Loop Within This Loop} ) Great Loop ] See WE Outside This Loop

For Do You See This Roman Legion


For Do You See This Table ? = Do You See 1 {General [Commander(Legion)]} = A Kingdom / Sector

For WE Are Legion =  Do See The Shadow Of The Emperor

For Rome - Don't Look Into What The Emperor Is Saying About This Picture 

= It's A Hieroglyph 

= For The People / For Empire (Global) / For Peace Treaty's


{[(For The Current Empires Of The 20th Century = Now You Know Who Your Founders & Creators = Work For = The System Is Bigger Than You Think & Calculations Have Been Made To Accommodate Your Rising = The LAW Of SuperNova / Money Expansion Of The Global Economy & Technology = {Saturn Returns} )]}


Each Has A Place / Each Has A Ladder = To The Greater Ladder

(Note : What Happen To The Ladder? = Example Racism Destroys The Ladder [One Of Many] = LAW Of Expansion = {Ladder Under Attack System At [Fork Road = Collapse Long Term] = Saturn Return)}

Each Has A Expression Of Their Own Reflecting The Greater Mirror


Emperor Dialogue :

What Revolution ?

In The Greater Saturn Return Are You Playing ?

{...... [WE Will Entertain It (Your Answer Determines If You Climb Or Fall)] }

*WE Have A System In Place To Check Great Revolution Through Saturn Returns Through The Zodiac Wheel{.....}TIME*


For Gestures & / And Language = History / Class


Example Of Language And Class


Boy Man / Boar Man / Barbaric Man = Food



 People Of The Bush {Rome - What You Thought WE Would Say Uncivilized [(Civilization Infrastructure Lacking) Don't Look Into This BushMan Word = It's Not Roman = Roman Know Peace Treaty = Head Of Egypt = Advanced Civilization = Don't Look Into British & Boer War = Signs Of Rome / Egypt / Britannia / German / Boer - Infrastructure = Destroyed }   / Boy Man (BoerMan) 


[Inside Joke = A Boer Uprooted WE Garden / Farm]

Becarful When Speaking To Your Older Siblings = Language Is A Bridge Between Many Cultures / Time / Place / History = Messing With It Will Get You Killed = For You Do Not Know What You Are Saying To Them


For Few Have This Card = WHITE

Don't Look In To Black 

IT Just Keeps Going / The Rabbit Hole

Till You Get To The Dinosaur




How Do You Talk To A Satellite (Modern Planet Technology / Modern Planet Genetics ) 

With Nothing

Who Are You ? / From Above / WE Can't See Above You

IT'S WE = The Fall Is Real

Let WE/ME Now When Humanity Is Ready To Rise