The Story Of The WALL

Let Paint A Picture & Let The Mind Do The Work

Walking Through Egypt On The Wall A CAT SMILING (The Chester Cat - From Alice In Wonder Land) 

Movie : Alice In Wonderland

[Big Mouth = Why Is A Cat Following ME / Somethings Not Right With The Pharaoh ]

(The Dogs Look Different From Outside The City = Were In Time Am WE [I think, therefore I am] )

The Concept Of Resurrection Is Complex

For What Are You Resurrecting = A Person / A People / A Culture / A Knowledge Scroll Which Was Lost = A Tradition = A Race = Mindset

For See A Priest - How Few Words WE Have

Seeking Guides To Learn = Watch This Priest Become The FerryMan & Show You To Your Lesson With This Great Mystery Of Egypt = This Temple? OR THIS ...... (A Moment Of Silence)

For The Mystery School Is Automated & Teachers Stand On Watch / To Guide & Protect The Student From Themselves


For The Priest Does Not Say Much For Why Does WE Need To Talk When There Is A City Of Egyptian Hieroglyphs / Symbols = A Order Of Things


For If WE Wish To TALK = WE Do So For Fun = How Do You Speak 


The Student = How Do Speak - Egyptian Hieroglyphs For The Black Skin People Of This Time Do Not = There Mind Is Not Configured To Read This Wall


Priest = For Time Is Long & Mans Memory Is Short / Don't Waste Your Time Studying The Evolution Of MAN For The Land Was One People Look(s) & Change(features) With Time As The Land Separates