A Story

In Reality Your Child Will Not Know Pride
Who Will Teach This Lesson

Look A New Expression Is Born & In Time There Will Be More & A Grap For Power Will Occur
Know You Were Not The Problem But Them
Example (WE Keeping It Simple The Profit Destroyed Will Make You Want To Hang):
The Mixing Of Life For Economic Growth With Rights & The Future Of A People
Yet They Destroy This Possibility For Slavery

What Is Being Said ? / Keep It Simple :

Change Is Good OR Slavery Is Better Than Capitalism

[Talk To A Slave Owner To See The Price Of Slavery & Broken Scale & Loss Of Investment = Not Everything Is On The Books (Less We Say The Better / Don't Look To Much Into Your Creator For Creating Was A Problem / Don't Look Into The Formula Of Free Will = For Look At Murder/War) = Stone Never Dies]

For Do You See The Aryn 
Don't Look Into The Actual Thing
(Don't Look Into The Family Bossiness On The Lower Branch With The Good JEW & Bad JEW = Note For Jew To Understand WE See The (Upper Family Stuck In Choice) Politics & Drama = For JEW One Side Tried To Kill Yahweh = They Don't Know This Stuff )
Don't Look Into The Hair & The New Born Expression That Did Not Exist During The Time Of Crucifixion
(Now You Know You Did Not See Him Die On The Cross)
[It Only Gets Worst Because WE Are Older Than HIM]
When You Are Older You Will Understand
You See How This Is Going / Time
WE To Travel Through Time To Teach A Lesson That A Child Know From WE
[DNA / Story / Yet Only A Few Understand]

Egypt / Grimoire 
The Lesser Key Of Solomon
[The Three Great Pyramids Of Egypt / We On The Same Page = 1 Page = 1 Symbol]
(WE Agree The Animal [Earth] Symbols Is Accessible To Man On Earth & It's LAW Yet When WE Get To Space / Time / Dimensions / Universe LAW = The Transfer & Knowledge Of Animal Symbols Won't Work = The Grimoire Works)  

You Will Rule The Day You Meet Buzz Light Here (Wise & Cleopatra)

Right Here

Shall WE Begin