Marketing View / Keeping It Simple 

Up To Standard / Maybe Add Bread In The Middle For The Common Folk

GOOD Delivery

(Don't Hurt Brand Just A Lesson = They Didn't Know Any Better / Otherside = Keep Your Mouth Shut)

[No Fighting It's Marketing Tips For The Youth = Progress]

Book On This Lesson

Analysis View : Keep It Simple

Add Cultural / Population / Historical / Location / Political Environment Into Calculation



Historical ( Apartheid - South Africa) = Pension Was Only Granted To A Few & Even When Meeting The Standard / If Pared With A Partner = Only One Pension Was Granted = Broken Pension Law = Dark Biblical Humor / Only A Few Make It (Time Frame = Scare Still Present In Population Collective Memory [Don't Look Into This Strategy Of War] )

Only A Few See This:

Sit Down + Description Below [Wicklow - Word (Location + History +++++ = Whip Street {Architecture Joke Of That Time Of Construction})]

Add Together Segregation Joke = WE Sit / You Watch [Example Provided]

Note : AD Was Not Meant To Offend But History Factors Will Lead To Some Reaching This Conclusion = Business Must Take This Into Account 


 Example :

Nazi Germany = The Nuremberg Trials (Don't Look Into The Darkside Of This = But Moral Of The Story A PayOut Was Given)


Apartheid - South Africa = 1 - Truth & Consultation / No Payout + Just Fragment Of The Truth [2 - State Capture = Same Thing / No Payout] = {3- Note : They Not Selling It = Get A Nation Wide Debate Or Riot Will Occur When Economy Falls (Blitz)}

Development Process