Insurance Broker

For This Post You Need To Be A Bank Or Masters Better

Large Gold & Silver Vault Required


(Don't Look Into How Complex This Systems Is)

From Kingdom Development To Gambling

.... 3 { 2 [ 1 ( 0 ) 1 ] 2 } 3 ....

What Is Insurance For?

Modern World Application .... Beginning 20th Century ..... = Health Care But Few Fulfill There Part Of The Contract / BAD BookKeeper

Modern World = .... Beginning 20th Century ..... Other Cases 

= Challenging System Structures Or Correcting System Failures 

= The Bailout * Why Incorrect Bailout Amount = Crucifixion / HEX  * Of The Family Without Addressing System Problem After Killing The Applicant / Addresser (English Not Pointing The Finger .... How You Say It ....) 

When System Fails Go See Power Broker 

To Restore System Integrity

.... So Say Breath Life Into ....

A Breaking Of The LAW Is Required

3 Look Up 3

3 So Now Do You See .... Know .... Where The Thief's Come In 3

A Report On The Sequences Of Events = The Saturn Return

 A List & A Checking Process


A Correction Unit Will Be Sent To Reconfigure The System For Balance

For The Security Of The Empire & Trade & Trust In The System = None Will Be Spared Without A True Reason = 3 Now Why Did You Cut Them Short & Give Nothing = Where The Stolen Goods Of The Bet For Betting Has LAW & The Betting System FALLS = Reason OR Crucifixion {Short OR Long}  3